Streamlining and Implementing Incident Management at Dyninno

Vladimirs Romanovskis
Incident Management Teamlead

Building on the groundwork laid out in our first article about the initial steps in Incident Management (IM) at Dyninno Group, this second installment will explore the practicalities of streamlining and implementing these strategies. Understanding the nuances of this transformation is critical, as it not only enhances our operational efficiency but also shapes the very fabric of our organizational culture.

Specific Protocols for Different Scenarios

We’ve developed a clear incident management structure, providing team members with specific protocols for different scenarios. This contrasts with the previous approach where they managed incidents independently.

Incident reporting can originate from various sources, such as end-user reports or monitoring alerts. We identify incidents from other issues not only based on impact scope, but also on other criteria, like:

  1. Impacted environment;
  2. ASAP change requirements;
  3. Suspicious activities within communication hubs, like a team requesting another team to check something ASAP, or new issue discussions starting inside past incident chats. They trigger Incident Managers’ attention to investigate deeper and understand what is going on, and, in cases of incident confirmation, kick-start the recovery and resolution process.

Read the full article here.


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Streamlining and Implementing Incident Management at Dyninno

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